Wednesday, December 08, 2004


well since the lovely christina and melissa both finished exams yesterday, and since the inevitable holiday is coming at the end of this month, i thought i'd dedicate today's entry to that silly little holiday that graces us at the end of this month; yes kiddies it's almost CHRISTMAS!!

soon all the little children will be snug in their beds, with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads, as they await the arrival of everyone's jolly fat man in red!

it's a time for celebration, for family, for friends, and for's funny that when you're a kid it's all about the presents, no matter how much you don't want it to be! you can't help but wish and hope that you wake up christmas morning to find that special something under the tree smiling up at you! your parents try to teach you the real meaning behind the 25th, but until you reach a certain age...their words fall upon deaf ears.

but as you get older, and your parents ask you what you'd like/need for almost find yourself at a loss??!! but how can this be? i've never had a problem wanting things before...what ever could be the matter?!? well the answer is probably different for everyone, but since this is my blog you're only gettin' one side...MINE!! personally i think it's because with age we become less selfish...hard to believe i know, and this is coming from an only child!

to me when i look forward to the holidays i'm thinking of good eats, good drinks, and cozy times by the tree! most people watch christmas movies to get themselves in the mood; you know the frosty the snowman, rudolph, charlie brown's chrismas and all that hooey...but when i watch christmas movies to get myself in the mood, i usually watch movies that are simply set around christmas!! u dig? like the movie "go" which is set around a christmas rave...or "200 cigarettes" although that one is more about new years than christmas, but whatever...

so although i haven't decorated the apartment yet for christmas, i am somewhat looking forward to doing so...after all it is a NEW apartment to decorate, and with a new addition to the family to celebrate with...Jet!!! yes, my youngest son's first christmas...let's just hope he doesn't eat any bulbs off the tree...

well there you have it, my ode to the holidays...they come and go so fast every year, so try and celebrate as much yule tide cheer as you can, drink lots of egg nog (just make sure to mix a bit o' cap'n in 'er) and steal as many kisses and gropes under the mistletoe as possible...

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