Thursday, December 23, 2004


did you hear that britney got a chihuahua???? her and i are sooo tight, right now!!who's trying to be who now, eh brit?? first i will admit i got a maltese after she did...but the chihuahua is overkill!! and she named it "bit-bit". and it does look like a rat, it's one of those hairless white ones that's like as big as the palm of my hand...
normally i don't like other chihuahuas, other than my own...they really are bitchy little things...except for harley, of course!!

so my honey came home yesterday, looking damn fine might i add, and now today he's moving!!!! just down the street, more or less!! long story but it seems it's for the best! i will admit that at first i wasn't the biggest fan of the neighbourhood (maynard st...) but we all know i can be a bit's not nearly as terrifying as i anticipated. we all hear of "that area" and cringe a bit...and by "we all" i'm referring to those of us who grew up in ol' hali...but we're getting a bit quick to jump to the dismissal these days, in regards to living areas...i mean, little cities like our own is quite the "renters hot-spot", i will admit and since our population is constantly growing, we can't help but start to migrate into other areas, i believe the term is called "overflow"... does that make sense?? well what i'm trying to say is the areas that were once "scary" aren't so scary anymore...and as blake said, they're on their way up, so to speak...and most of us know someone who lives in those "scary" areas of the city. so we shouldn't be so dismissive of them until we've given them a chance!

i'm totally at work right now, but it's the day before the day before christmas, so we're extremely NOT BUSY...hence, the time spent on the computer during business hours...

we drank a bottle of wine last night for his home-cuming...huh? and i almost didn't get up this morning...i wasnt' hungover, but just tired and wanting to sit at home and watch the last 3 episodes of "sex and the city".

totally off topic, but get this; blake and brianne (his lovely sister) are getting tattoos for eachother as their christmas gifts: she's getting the name "Gretel" and he's getting "Hansel" tattooed on their lower backs. isn't that the coolest?!? i'm like a little school girl when it comes to tattoos, cause i think their the hottest things ever! their gonna be in like fairy-tale writing! i'm so excited for them...i really want to go with them when they have it done, cause i've never been with someone ELSE, to watch...actually that's a lie, i went with leanne when she got her butterfly on her tummy...but that was forever ago, and i couldn't even watch! she, on the other hand, couldn't take her eyes off the needle as it was being done!! so i totally have to go and watch this time!! tattoos are a big deal, there's something oddly sexual about the pain associated with and the process in general of getting tattoos!

do you know what i mean? it's pain, but not like blinding white pain...more like...sweet kinda pain...i don't mean masochistic kinda pain either, but there's a thrill involved when you're sitting there in that chair, and the dudes about to start, and you hear that needle start buzzing...(kind of a scary sound, but it's a part of it) and then he puts his cold hand on your skin to steady you, and you brace yourself for the first line...and then the first contact of the needle with's like cat scratches...dragging along the skin...the outline has always been the worst...that and when he fills it in, cause the needle is like scrapping away at your skin to fill the space, i just made it sound totally gross, didn't i? but it's not so bad, after a few seconds your skin goes numb and's when he stops, that the feeling returns, and then it starts up again and the pain returns.

but anyways, tattoos are something that are there think them through...i absolutely adore mine...they're the best thing i've ever done, honestly! and i'm not done there, oh no my friend...i've only begun having my fun! just kidding!!

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