Monday, December 06, 2004

the buff

hello all, this is yours truly reporting to you live on this monday morning guessed it, work!! it's minus 9, monday morning, and only 8am...but what are you gonna do?
i guess i can't complain after the fantastic weekend i had! the last time we spoke i informed you all that i had just finished putting myself even deeper in debt with the nice people at visa ( i swear i shoulda cut that thing up the moment it came in the mail ) by purchasing the 7th and last season of buffy, slayer of the vampire.

and did i tell you that it's only weeks away from christmas and i haven't even begun to shop???? why i do these things to myself, i'll never know...

anywho, whilst i also spent some of my weekend in "the buff"...ahem...the title of today's entry is (more) in reference to mrs freddie prinze jr herself! blake and i sat down on saturday morning (after waking up with a side-splitter to kill a horse) and proceded to entertain ourselves with oh, i'd say 14-15 hours of pure, sweet, unadulterated buffy quality time...disgusting? never. a little sad? maybe. fun? you bet your bottom dollar. and we're still not even done yet!!!

ever since chris meaghar introduced me to the buff that historic day at roger's video i was hooked...for 7 glorious seasons (and 6[?] if you count the angel spinnoff) buffy characters alike had graced our little screens with her tales of peril and forbidden love, she represented a female heroin that little girls and confused boys will look up to for years to come. there was even an episode of "the coast" dedicated to her and her triumphs!! i have spent many hours crying...scratch that...bawling hysterically over the sadness that had struck my sweet sweet buffy and all her, killing angel with her own sword in season 2, losing her mother in season 5 etc, etc, etc.

the bottom line is, that she has and will always hold a special place in my heart! and the feeling i'm dealing with now is the fact that the end is in my grasp...i'm only about 4 hours away from seeing how this wonderful show is going to end... and i guess you could say i'm a little sad...perhaps if i prolong it as long as possible, then it'll never end!! but then i risk finding out or having someone RUIN the ending for me...a la sex and the city...which i'm totally not talking about...

so there you have it my kiddies! i will report to you all again soon...hopefully with tears of joy having been satisfied with the result of this sure-to-be-tragic issue that is the conclusion to an epic...let us have a moment of silence...

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