Friday, December 31, 2004

head case

no my sweet christina, you are anything but!! the way you're feeling is exactly what you should be feeling...if not a lighter version of it! in fact, if it were me, as we all know, i would be a puddle on the floor!

for those of you who are not familiar with christina's current pickle, here's the condensed version: marky-mark (her little man) is leaving for a work term in alberta! for three months! (the last bit being the kicker). thus her current state as a self-described "head case" (her term, not mine). and thus my rebuttal of "you crazy!!"

well where do i begin...i know in your heart you're thinking, hey i left him for 3 months to go travelling the world...why am i being selfish by not wanting him to leave, when i did the exact same thing only this year!!
but my love, it's a little different this time, because as we all knew you were only visiting these lovely locales, whereas yes, mark is only going there to 'work', but he's also branching out into "life" (whatever that is, eh?) and possibly looking for employment outside of halifax; which has become everybody's little safe there's why you're a little worried! that and the fact that the love of your life is going away...period.

i hope that wasn't too harsh, but i wanted to get it out there. now for the sugar coating; honey, you've both been there for eachother for 4 years. and that isn't going to change, not unless you let it! obviously 3 months feels like a lifetime right now, but as time goes by, it'll be easier. you'll be in school, well at "computer school", and we'll all be here (yes, even me...even though you're a bad friend...just kidding, couldn't resist a shameless plug). time flies when you're having fun, so fun i guess we'll have!

if there's one thing that you and mark have taught me over the years, it's to believe in your relationship. (oh, my) i told you that the two of you (and melissa and frank) have given me faith in the bond that can develop between two people who are in love! so don't disappoint me!! (tee hee) this is just another small pebble in the road that will lead to your life together...whether it's here in halifax or (god help me) alberta, or wherever!! distance is only distance, when someone is in your heart, nothing else really matters, right? and like i said, it's only 3 months...that's nothing sweety, i promise!

now as for the stress you're feeling to try and have him in every one of your poors before he leaves, it's impossible!! it sucks that there's so much for him to do and see before he leaves (family obligations, yada yada yada) and all you want him to do is hold you and be with you...and as you and i both know, when things don't exactly go as we had planned, we get all bitchy! but the most you can do is try to appreciate every moment that you have together before he leaves and simply try to cherish them! it doesn't matter how long they last, as long as they're good! make sense? quality, not quantity.

and don't you dare ever turn off that phone, sometimes i have emergencies too, ya know! (just teasin').

my love, how life doesn't seem fair sometimes does it? but through all these trials and tribulations, we must simply BREATHE...

i love you my sweet, keep that head up!!


BYE BYE 2004!!!!!!!!!

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