Wednesday, September 06, 2006

cooch alert!!

i know it may seem a little crast (is that the word?)for a blogger of my calibur to post such NSFW pictures of my beloved lindsay lohan on my blog...oh, blah blah's me and my page is the land of crudness!!! so here it is folks, lindsay's "anything-but-fire-crotch"...alive and beating, and in your face!! yummy, eh? loves the puss...

anyways, this was stolen off website (just had to give it credit for coming up with it first!!) but i had to post it here...we all know me loves me some lindsay, the girl's catchy, fun, and the it-girl of the moment...what's not to love? but girlfriend needs to get herself some panties, cause there's no need to be flashing the 'goods' all over venice, especially when you're sepposedly there to promote your new film...not your latest 'late-nite' antics...

so honey, god knows you've heard of victoria's secret...invest some of your 'hard-earned' money in some unmentionables, cause the world don't need to be seein' your nana before noon!!

i heart you l.lo!

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