Friday, September 29, 2006


have you ever noticed how when you're in a relationship for a while, how you start to accept certain behaviours and adopt certain ways of living that you would have otherwise thought abnormal?

like as you start to get close to someone, that you start to let certain things go...or bad habits that you start to simply accept, or actions start to seem acceptable in the other person when you would otherwise (if not involved with them) deem as odd or even disgusting?

the last guy i was with peed in front of me (door wide open, just whipped it out in front of me) on our second date...i mean, come on!! that's just totally unnecessary!! i've never had someone pee in front of me, EVER! let alone on a second date. that doesn't belong on a second date! second dates are for romantic walks, and flowers...not public urination!!!

but after a while it started to seem normal!! i totally accepted it, and after a while it was like second nature! what the hell happened?? are we that able to simply change ingrained opinions that we previously held for another person when in a relationship??? then what happens when you break up? do you normally return to your previous way of thinking? or do these people change you somehow for good?

how much is acceptable in a relationship, when it involves something that was foreign to you before? i mean, i guess we have to take the good with the bad when someone else with new thoughts, behaviours, and traits is involved...but where do we draw the line?

when does compromising become compromise?

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